B18 Tripe Sticker Platform Fixed

Homepage B18 Tripe Sticker Platform Fixed

B18 Tripe Sticker Platform Fixed


It is the platform where the butcher works in order to reduce the rumen of the cattle. Thanks to the notch on the platform, it is possible to reach the butcher tripe more easily.


Butcher Working Area: ( 1000 x 2000 x h )

H heights vary according to the line height.

Chassis Profile: 60 x 60 x 2 mm AISI 304 Quality Stainless Box Profile

Butcher Working Areas: Composite Grated Material

Railing: AISI 304 quality Stainless Steel Tubular Profile

Accessory: There is a sink and knife disinfection unit and an apron washing cabin on the platform to ensure cutting hygiene.

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